Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dear Grandma

I wanted to send you letters but, i never gave any time to it...I wish i could've so i could get answers but i guess sending them now wouldnt be so bad. I wanted to tell you about my first highschool dance. I gotta say I really don't thinking humping people counts as dancing! It was disgusting how everyone was dancing, someone tried grinding on my and i simply walked away. Haha, dances really aren't my thing, not good at it. But other than that highschool is pretty fun. When i go back to washington I'm going to be who i wanna be, a leader! I'm going to show everyone im not afraid of being judged and who knows? Maybe just maybe people will respect that. I'm not scared to do crazy stuff that people laugh at. I'll wear my pjs at school whether im doing it by myself or not. I'll be the first to scream on spirit days. But most of all I will laugh right along with the people who laugh at me!

Anyways, Guess what? I'm making my own play, it started from a spark and now its ignited! It began the other night when me and my mom were messing around.
"Where are you from?" Mom asked me, so my immediate reply with no hesitation was,
"From planet Zebula." With my fingers in the peace sign. My mom seriously looked dumbfounded. Whether it was because of how fast i pulled the name out of my head or if she thought i was serious, I started laughing. My mom was like, "That face you were making would make anyone beliee anything!"
It was really funny well later in the night i got to thinking about plays. My first thought was I could make one! the main character is princess Zella du frella.

But yeah im super excited about that. Anywho i dont have a lot to say other than AUNT EMILY COMES TOMORROWWWWW
(: i love you.